Just barely remembered to take these pics on my way out the door this morning:
the first Sweet Cherry Red pepper blossoms of the year!
still don't know what these are, but they're nice
my desert bluebells blossomed just in time!
they're waiting for their poppy friends to open up there
a white Nudicaule Icland poppy
these were supposed to be either Bewtiched Blend pansies,
either there was mix up during packaging or they need to work on the breeding a bit more.
Alaska nasturtiums,
I think they need a dose of fertilizer...
they're not supposed to be bleaching at the edges!
lucky concentration of blooms here, left to right:
lobelia, Tall Single nasturtium, and more failed Bewtiched Blend pansies
on the outsides are Amber Jewel violas
I'm not impressed so far... out of 7 plants 5 came out muddy colors and only two are jewel tones :/
center stage is my best Betwitched Blend pansy that's actually a very deep black!
there is just barely the thinnest edge of along the petals, and two spots of color at the center
oh snap pea blossom, grow me a snack!
strawberry Quattro Stagioni, been munching them all winter so far ;)
my favorite Alaska nasturtium that has decided it does not wish to be a 12"-18" mound,
it has become a 4' vine
I think I like that :)
one of only two proper looking Amber Jewel viola plants
(the other is out of bloom at the moment *womp*womp*womp*)
Oriental Nights alyssum
(and my Felis catus "Camouflage", can you see her?)
strawflower still going strong
dad's Shasta daisies are happily blooming
my first California poppy of the year, HOORAH!
the flower bud has been teasing me for days...
and finally my statice - last year's statice!
the package said annual, but damnit they wanted to be perennials!
this happen to anyone else?