Friday, July 15, 2011

Bloom Day July 2011

I missed last month but damnit I'm ready this time! Mostly. This isn't a complete record of everything blooming today, just the best ones :)

 hybrid echeveria

calendula "zeolights"


 tomato blossoms

 lemon blossoms "pink lemonade"


 pansy "bewitched"

 lobelia "cambridge blue"

another hybrid echeveria (i think...)

 lobelia & alyssum



 blue butterfly bush


 marigold "kilimanjaro white"

zinnia "art deco"

And don't forget to visit the orginal GBBD!


  1. Lovely blooms I especially like the Zinnia "art deco".
    Happy GBBD :)

  2. Wonderful pictures. I love the pansy

  3. Carol, May Dreams GardensAugust 6, 2011 at 9:17 AM

    Mary, Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog about the vintage gardening encyclopedias. I waited a few days to make sure I wanted them, and I did, so I bought them. Thank you!!

  4. oh my gosh really?! wow, I saw that listing an just knew you'd love the idea, but I didn't think you'd actually go for it! but that's great! You're very welcome, I hope they give you days and days of rainy day entertainment ;)


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