Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bloom Day September 2010 - Just Made it!

It's only 10:15 pm in SoCal! I'm still in time! So without further ado, a glimpse at my bloomers O.O for the last week or so...

 pink zinnia Cut & Come Again and cosmos Seashell

alyssum Oriental Nights

 my lovely little cupid's dart :)
cucumber Lemon blooms count!

 shy little delphinium Shades of Blue

 please forgive the mess of this little neglected front strip that still manages to give us petite marigolds and portulaca

I find it facinating that these garden mums (planted for mum of course) seem to only attract flies...and lots of them

no idea what variety of geranium (inherited) and portulaca fill this corner

 love feeling awash in the lobelia Cambridge Blue

 these humoungo marigolds are doing quite well in a pot :)

 can anyone tell me what the heezy thes are?! Foudn them at the 99 cent store with no label, seem to be succulents

 nasturtium Alaska have bloomed and rebloomed 3 or 4 times over the summer

 one of the front flower beds - statice, marigold & zinnia Cut & Come Again (statice has been blooming continuously since May!)

uh oh the oregano and akashiso bloomed!

basil Cinnamon so lovely I forgive it for blooming :9

totally forgot we planted strawflower until two weeks ago!

ok, warning: gratuitous zinnia to follow ;) This odd coloration has been my favorite of the Cut & Come Again variety

 oh, I finally made an outdoor getaway for myself - and the Felis catus "Jackmove" got to it first! Punk!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Zinnias! They are such a happy flower. I really should find a place to plant some next year.


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