Monday, March 14, 2011

Peanut Shells...

Some days I swear my dad just wants to see what new thing he can do to screw with my brain. Lately it's been with peanut shells.

Most everybody's heard the story of how long George Washington Carver proposed using peanuts as a cover crop to re-vigorize agricultural soil. My dad took it to heart. Growing up I was very accustomed to him sprinkling his peanut shells in the rose beds after a snack. There hadn't been so much of that since we re-did the yard and dad was temporarily restricted in what nuts he was allowed to eat. But now he can eat all the peanuts he pleases again he's even got a 2 pound bag on the dinning room table to prove it :9 And he's gotten more inventive about where he sprinkles them...

...there's the traditional rose bed location...

...and my potted blue butterfly bush as well.

See at first I was frustrated while it was very cold over the winter he often just threw them in the trash. Then I trained him to put them in the bucket I used every morning to pick whatever's ready to eat so I could dump it into my compost bin first. That lasted a nice month. Now it's warmer and it seems if he doesn't immediately see my garden trimmings bucket he just finds somewhere 'good enough' for them...

...including an empty pot I haven't gotten to re-planting yet...
(3 feet away from the garden trimmings bucket)

...and an empty bin we usually toss from the garage recyclables into...
(2 feet from the garden trimmings bucket) heliotrope...

... the broken pots I save to crush into drainage gravel...

 ...and atop the bin I store my finished compost in...
(5 feet from the compost bin and yes he knows where it is!)

*sigh* well, if my dad doesn't make me a little crazy - he would find something much more frustrating to do...


  1. Dads! can't live with them, wouldn't want to live without them.

  2. Dads! can't live with them, wouldn't want to live without them.


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